
Launch the Damn Thing®! | Squarespace Web Designer & Educator

by Katelyn Dekle

I love coffee, cursing & carefully made plans. 😂 I'm a web designer and strategist specializing in designing Squarespace websites, that believes "perfection" doesn't truly exist. It's time to stop using that to procrastinate on your dreams. NOW is the time to form your strategy, then LAUNCH the damn thing! (With my help. 😉)

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"I just want to talk to a HUMAN!" 🤖

Hi Reader, This week has been... ––I'm not even sure I understand how it's actually Friday afternoon, much less practically mid-May. How is it possible the whole week has gone by already? 😂 🥴 Like.... what??? I got a new video camera, which came in this week, and as soon as I opened that box, it became the week that all productivity went to die. 🤣 My knowledge about tech (devices) really only extends to Apple devices, software & web-based apps. I'm a point-and-shoot hobby-photographer (ie:...

See my ACTUAL website analytics! 😬

Hi Reader, The sun is OUT again and it's approaching 70ºF outside. 😃 Luna (our dog 🐶) is outside sunbathing on the patio furniture as I type this and as soon as I hit send, I'll go sit outside with her. The grass already needs mowing, but I guess that makes sense, because it's somehow already MAY. Two kinda funny/weird stories, and then I'll stop boring you with my personal shit. 😆 Last weekend we had a 'pickup-stick party,' as my Mom used to call them back when we did that on our 10 acre...

DIY content attracts paying clients/customers???

Hi Reader, I am SO EXCITED!! Today & tomorrow we'll actually have some sunshine on my husband's days off AND the high today will be a whopping 52ºF/11ºC!! It's the little things. 😂 It could be a little warmer, but it's not even May yet, so I'm not complaining. We may even do some yard work! 😆 ––Okay, ya caught me. That part I'm not excited about. LOL But our yard has a few paper birch trees in it, which are really cool looking, but they litter the ground with twigs & branches all winter,...

tax day, bogus explicit content warnings, and a new video! 😂

Hi Reader, The weather here lately has been downright evil. The sun only seems to come out and chase the clouds away during my husband's work week, and rain on weekends when he's actually off work. 😂 I'm getting a little tired of being cooped up on the couch watching Netflix (or whatever) because it's raining outside, but my brain is also too tired to come up with fun things to do in a rural area while it's raining. #honesty So far we've caught up on like... every show, ever! And I've been...

what it's REALLY like to blog & YouTube 😬

Hi Reader, No winter storm to report this weekend! 😂 Just a really long edit process for this week's video –but I'll share more about that in a sec! Quick note/reminder –then I'll move on! If you've registered for Paige's Profitable & Productive Web Designer Bootcamp, it opened on Friday & now has 1,608 members as I type this! I've enjoyed seeing everyone introduce themselves to the group, myself included! ––Paige has also already posted a spotlight video interview clip for each of the...

the EASIEST way to hit 6 figures 🤫

Hi Reader, woke up to this, in our front yard So, another winter (spring??) storm came through again this week and we got over a foot of snow. 😂 How is it April and we're still getting THAT MUCH snow. 🤦🏼♀️ I will never say it's NOT pretty though. And I love how quiet everything is when it snows; all sound gets dampened by the snow itself. Anyway, we didn't get as much snow as last time, and a lot of it has already melted since yesterday, so –maybe, just maybe– spring "for real" is just around...

is "Blank-Page Syndrome" a thing?? 😳🫤

Hi Reader, When I first realized my freelance work could be better advertised if I had a website, back in 2015, I felt completely overwhelmed. In fact, I tried EVerything else first, including "just" having a Facebook page, and even an Etsy shop. Though I'd gone to college and majored in graphic design, oddly, those classes hadn't taught me how to run a business, make a website or what to put on it. Turns out you can make something look cool & it still may not "work" for your business. 😬...

Colors have FEELINGS! 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Hi Reader, me & Luna playin' in the snow in Jan. Maybe it's just that time of year where the weather goes back and forth and can't make up its mind, but yet again, today I'm prepping for another winter storm! 🥶 It's bright & sunny outside as I type this, but by Sunday we're expecting to get between 9-16 inches of snow ––which means, I gotta run some errands this afternoon so I can stay home & chill this weekend while it snows. ... And prep for some snow-shoveling on Sunday after the storm...

my recent "haha, J/K!" service experience 😒😐

Hi Reader, What a week! Has it been anyone else's experience in the last couple of years that customer service has been devolving? 😂 I know it can't just be my experience! Here's my latest saga, –long story short: Someone apparently (hit & run, I guess?) backed into my car in one of the last bad ice storms we had & it cracked the tail light wide open, snow got in & shorted out the wiring for the brake & blinker lights. I took it in to get it fixed, they ordered the part. I got busy & forgot...

I love coffee, cursing & carefully made plans. 😂 I'm a web designer and strategist specializing in designing Squarespace websites, that believes "perfection" doesn't truly exist. It's time to stop using that to procrastinate on your dreams. NOW is the time to form your strategy, then LAUNCH the damn thing! (With my help. 😉)

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